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BARACK OBAMA is right: Reign in Pakistan

At last some one in the US establishment who is not wearing Musharraf blinkers and is talking sense for a change. BARACK OBAMA. He has got his foreign policy right. He says Bush had the priorities wrong. Afghanistan and the tribal areas of Pakistan are turning out to be the bigger threats, not Iraq.

He further says Bush had been doling out dollars to Musharraf without asking where they were being spent. The Pakistani ISI (and some sections of the army) have made token attempts against the Taliban/Al Qaida in the FATA and tribal areas, just to keep the US happy.

What has been happening is that the jihad in Kashmir has been funded with the American money. Obama says Pakistan is preparing for another war against India. The ISI has also been supporting the mushrooming small sleeper cells of terror throughout India. The result has been blasts in Jaipur, Bangalore and Ahmadabad (recently. I don't mention the earlier ones).

India is in a dilemma. Pakistan has the nukes. It cannot talk too toughly with that country. Or some elements of the Pakistani army, suffering from the 'hate-India complex' might drop a nuke or two on India.

One hopes, Obama becomes the next prez and reigns in the mad elements in Pakistan.


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