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Josef Fritzl and Kishore Chauhan: Both incestuous monsters but different minds

While Josef Fritzl was convicted, another case hit the headlines; this one from Mumbai in India. Kishore Chauhan raped his daughter for nine years because a mumbo-jumbo godman told him that this would bring him prosperity. But this case differs from Fritzl's in the sense that there was a wife who egged the husband to rape their daughter. Anjana Chauhan had been having sexual relations with Rathod, the astrologer godman. She appears to be a sexual pervert who had group sex with husband, the godman and the daughter.

In the Kishore Chauhan case it appears to be a deadly cocktail of ignorance, superstition, greed and sexual perversion. Many in India still believe in mumbo-jumbo, animal (even human) sacrifices to obtain good fortune. Kishore Chauhan is no different. But he is no cold-blooded rapist like Fritzl. He was under the influence of his wife and her perverted godman boyfriend.

Fritzl's case is different. The guy thought keeping his daughter in the cellar and raping her for twenty four years was "fun". The man still has no remorse for what he did. He is not mad. He is totally immoral. Perhaps the influence of Nazism on Austria. After all Fritzl spent his childhood near two Nazi concentration camps.

But why did he do what he did? The answer lies in his mother. A witch who bullied her son and beat him if he tried to socialise with anyone. In the domination by the mother lay the seeds of the perversion that he was to commit years later.

Raping his daughter was a way of assuaging his ego, which was hurt badly by his mother. Elisabeth was his mother. Keeping her in the cellar and raping her whenever he felt like gave him a sense of power; of hitting back at his tormenting mother.

The saying that evil breeds even more evil proves itself again.


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