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We salute you, ANSAR BURNEY

Pakistan. For an average Indian the word conjures up hatred, undying enmity and unceasing suspicion. One despairs about whether the two brothers separated in 1947, will ever unite (in the hearts) or at least learn to live together in peace.

Then one reads about the democracy movement in Pakistan. Elections being held. Old leaders like Nawaz Sharif walking about freely in the country, his party winning many seats in the elections. The heart of the Indian lightens. Pakistan is not only a country of mad mullahs and Islamic extremism. There is much more to Pakistan.

Then one reads about Ansal Burney, the country's human rights campaigner and one is astonished. A Pakistani is so concerned about Sarbjeet Singh imprisoned. I guess even the Indian government has not shown such dedication.

A man so free of the hatred that every citizen of both countries nurse in their heart in small or big measure for each other. Burney is the voice of humanity. He is beyond national boundaries. He operates on the plane of universal humanity. He fought for the Pakistanis in Guantanamo Bay with as much fervour as he is now fighting for the life of the Indian, Sarbjeet Singh.

A country which has people like Ansar Burney on its soil can never be bad or evil, simplistically putting. We salute you, Ansar Burney.


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