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LOVE POEMS: Ruminations of a jilted lover...

I understand
after all these years
maybe I was foolish
That it was just infatuation.
That maybe you never liked me.

But I can never forget
for the rare few moments
when your eyes glittered
when you looked at me
If that was not love
what was it?

No, no
I know I was right
It was love.
But you chose to reject my love
Maybe you were more practical.
But love nad practicality
can never be together

What you rejected
was a marvellous thing
called love.
A rare chance
which is given only to a few
to live their lives in love

Maybe you were wrong
Maybe I was not so impractical
I wanted to possess
and give to you too
the power of love

It would have changed my life
To overcome my weakness
As only love has that power
But I did not get it
You too, did not get it

As you pretend to be happy
with your worldly husband
You will perhaps feel sometimes
the twinges of your inner voice
That you lost the chance
to be fully you

As only love
enables one
to be fully himself
to be truly happy

You lost the chance
It is too late
You have the mundane responsiblities
of a mother and wife
I am just a hardened shell
of my former self
who could love

We both are old
Next life, perhaps?


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